4 Recipes for the 4th!


  However you celebrate the history of the United States -  whether it be with fireworks, parades, barbecues, parties, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, games, speeches and ceremonies, etc… ENJOY IT. And wow, it’s (almost) July! That means a lot of things to me. Most importantly: The weather better be awesome this month. We only have a [Read more >>]

Gluten-Free Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies

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Coffee with too much cream and sugar, a new pair of jeans, driving around with the windows rolled all the way down and radio blaring, the smell of fresh linens, grilling outside with friends, sitting on a patio with a bottle of chardonnay, working out just to eat ice cream, getting home from the beach [Read more >>]

Candied Apples


Remember getting candy apples at the fair? Well here’s what I’ve created: a simple caramel apple, with a little flair. Simple, yet de-lic-ious. Let’s call them: Chocolate, Vanilla, Candied, Caramel CANDIQUIK Apples. Or just candied apples… Only 4 ingredients necessary, but you can add as many as you want! Apples CANDIQUIK Caramel Sticks (I used lollipop sticks [Read more >>]

In Honor of all our military soldiers…


  In Honor of all our military soldiers who have died while in the service and those currently serving our country: I would like to extend the appreciation to our soldiers not only on May 31 but beyond. Officially marked as Memorial Day, May 31 2010 commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the service. [Read more >>]