Homemade Twix Bars

Homemade Twix Bars (Thousand Dollar Bars) - Miss CandiQuik

Every year. Same story. This is me: “I am absolutely not going to eat all that junk that I did last year around the holidays”… Or realistically anytime the temp drops below 60 (I’m a wimp) and all I want to do is eat cookies and brownies… on the couch… in my PJ’s. Then, every year, ugh… I just can’t resist. [Read more >>]

Homemade Ooey Gooey Snickers Bars


I amaze myself, I really do. And not in a overly confident kind of amaze. I am seriously surprised that I pull off some of the treats I make. Like these adorable bunnies and lil’ chicks for example. Anyone that really knows me, knows that I am not always the most graceful person. I have been known to pour [Read more >>]