Piña Colada Macaroons


Yes, I like Piña Coladas, but do people actually enjoy getting caught in the rain? Really? I might be ok with it if I had a pina colada with me. With or without alcohol, it’s nearly impossible to have one of these delicious drinks and not think of a warm, sandy beach thanks to the perfect blend of coconut and pineapple. [Read more >>]

Coconut Macaroon Easter Egg Nests

Coconut Macaroon Easter Nests

Before we get to the good stuff I wanted to show you a little somethin’… This is what I came in to work to find on my desk: The Wall Street Journal. An article on, “How Colleagues Make You Fat“. A sticky note pointing to said article with the words, “with cake balls” written on [Read more >>]

Cherry Coconut Bonbons


It’s just about time to start posting fall inspired recipes and then umm, that season that follows fall. Yikes. Let’s not talk about that yet. Let’s talk about cherry chips, coconut, chocolate, and all the goodness they can produce. I’m usually not a huge fan of cherry flavored stuff – I know, I’m weird. But if you’ve [Read more >>]

Homemade Almond Joys

me holding

Say it with me: Homemade Almond Pecan Joys 49 things I’ve learned from my ___ years of existence, in no particular order: 1-Floss. 2-Wear comfortable shoes. 3-Go to the bathroom before you leave. 4-Spend less than you make. 5-Dance often. 6-Just because it’s free (or on sale), doesn’t mean you need it. 7-Master a recipe for something obscenely delicious. [Read more >>]