Chocolate Swirl Cinnamon Buns

Choc Swirl Cinnamon Buns

Recently, I was traveling across the country and during my travel, would have to be in four different airports. Because of this, and the fact that my travel day started at the ripe ol’ time of 4am, I decided when I got to the first airport, I’d splurge on a food-court cinnamon roll. You know [Read more >>]

Graveyard Chocolate Doughnuts


I really want to take this time to personally thank the person who invented breakfast pastries. Croissants, doughnuts, danishes, muffins, cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, bear claws … thank you. Because without you, breakfast would essentially be eggs and oatmeal. And if breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, why not [Read more >>]

Apple Crunch Pupcakes


These homemade doggy cupcakes, a.k.a. pup-cakes are so simple to pull together! One mixing bowl, a cupcake tin, 50 minutes of your time, and you’re on your way. I totally wish I had this adorable bone-shaped cupcake pan that Norene from Party Pinching used in her recipe but life goes on. And the dog’s don’t mind, [Read more >>]

Cranberry Orange Bliss Bars

Copycat Cranberry Orange Bliss Bars @candiquik

I am begging you to make these Cranberry Orange Bliss Bars. You’re simply missing out if you don’t. These were heavenly. Decadent. Outstanding. I stumbled across them on Recipe Girl’s blog… They are basically a blondie bar topped with an amazing white chocolate cream cheese (with a hint of orange zest) frosting. You know the Bliss Bars [Read more >>]


b bread2

  Well…here we go again, another awesome recipe. Ever since the creation of this blog – with all the ideas being shared and published, my official new nicknames are either Sara Lee or Betty Crocker…I guess that’s not a bad thing, right!? As this bread was baking, the smell that filled the air was unbelievable…I experienced insta-hunger! I couldn’t [Read more >>]