Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries


Amazing, delicious, OMG, wow – why didn’t I think of these!?

Recently we had a little contest, that some of you may have heard of…if not, you seriously need to join Club CandiQuik…

The contest was named the “Make Our Ad” Contest. The Grand Prize Winner is receiving free CANDIQUIK for a year – yes, FREE (I need that deal)!

Oh – and did I mention her recipe is going to be featured in our next National Magazine ad?! Total bragging rights.

Here were the 3 finalists if you’re curious…

This recipe that I am about to share, however, did not “Make our Ad”. BUT it was dang good!

So I must share…

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries.

S’more Truffles

S'more truffles 033

  S’mores. Fire or no fire. You pick. You are probably (most-likely) in a warmer climate that I am and are still likely having bonfires (unless you’re in Alaska, but otherwise, I win). But I figured out a way to get my S’mores fix in the form of: truffles. Ohhh My!!! These are incredibly De-lic-ious! Consisting of [Read more >>]

4 Recipes for the 4th!


  However you celebrate the history of the United States -  whether it be with fireworks, parades, barbecues, parties, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, games, speeches and ceremonies, etc… ENJOY IT. And wow, it’s (almost) July! That means a lot of things to me. Most importantly: The weather better be awesome this month. We only have a [Read more >>]