Homemade Ooey Gooey Snickers Bars


I amaze myself, I really do. And not in a overly confident kind of amaze. I am seriously surprised that I pull off some of the treats I make. Like these adorable bunnies and lil’ chicks for example. Anyone that really knows me, knows that I am not always the most graceful person. I have been known to pour [Read more >>]

Coconut Macaroon Easter Egg Nests

Coconut Macaroon Easter Nests

Before we get to the good stuff I wanted to show you a little somethin’… This is what I came in to work to find on my desk: The Wall Street Journal. An article on, “How Colleagues Make You Fat“. A sticky note pointing to said article with the words, “with cake balls” written on [Read more >>]

Zesty White Puppy Chow & Chocolate Covered Strawberry Footballs

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Footballs - blog.candiquik.com

A lot of football games have been on lately. Really “important” games. Of course neither the Broncos nor the (ahem) Vikings are playing anymore. So, naturally, I’ve been rooting for San Francisco. Why?! Because I like California. And this is how I pick who to cheer for. Silly, I know. But now we’re down to Giants and Patriots… what to [Read more >>]

Chocolate Party Mice


I could begin by telling you a story about our new friends living in the basement, but I’ll spare you.  These mice are not a brand new creation, but they are a classic. If you haven’t ever seen these – here they are! If you haven’t ever made these – do so. I promise, people will [Read more >>]

Strawberry Shot Glasses


I found these at this super cute blog, Sweet Tooth. Warning: be prepared to want to bake your heart out for the next week year after visiting her site. I seriously printed out 5 recipes and added them to my Recipes I Must Bake Real Soon queue. That queue is huge by the way. I [Read more >>]

Cherry Coconut Bonbons


It’s just about time to start posting fall inspired recipes and then umm, that season that follows fall. Yikes. Let’s not talk about that yet. Let’s talk about cherry chips, coconut, chocolate, and all the goodness they can produce. I’m usually not a huge fan of cherry flavored stuff – I know, I’m weird. But if you’ve [Read more >>]

Flourless Chocolate Torte


 I want to start by wishing all the mothers out there a Happy Early Mother’s Day! I recently saw a poll on facebook. It read: What do mother’s want most for Mother’s Day? So, what do Mom’s like receiving most on Mother’s Day? Drumroll please… The leading response was, “Anything their kids make them”. Awesome. They better [Read more >>]

Homemade Cadbury Eggs


Pin It Don’t you love this small treat trend? Two bites, or even one. Less guilt. Win. Then we won’t feel so bad for eating one five of them, right!? I recently had a friend come up to me and tell me “Cadbury eggs would be awesome!!!” (wink, wink, hint, hint, nudge, nudge) So here I [Read more >>]

Homemade Almond Joys

me holding

Say it with me: Homemade Almond Pecan Joys 49 things I’ve learned from my ___ years of existence, in no particular order: 1-Floss. 2-Wear comfortable shoes. 3-Go to the bathroom before you leave. 4-Spend less than you make. 5-Dance often. 6-Just because it’s free (or on sale), doesn’t mean you need it. 7-Master a recipe for something obscenely delicious. [Read more >>]

Chocolate Dessert Cups


Pin It Fun to make, even more fun to eat and decide what to stuff in them!   I was really feeling like blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. My other “filler” ideas… pudding with whipped cream ice cream! cheesecake cute little candies cake ball.duh. anything your heart desires really… And these are super, duper easy too.