Graveyard Chocolate Doughnuts


I really want to take this time to personally thank the person who invented breakfast pastries. Croissants, doughnuts, danishes, muffins, cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, bear claws … thank you. Because without you, breakfast would essentially be eggs and oatmeal. And if breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, why not [Read more >>]

Witches Hats


For as long as I can remember, I was a HUGE Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen fan. I had all of their VHS tapes of their detective shows and movies, their Barbie dolls, their clothing line, everything. I played those poor VHS tapes until the actual tape was disintegrating from overexposure to singing twin girls. But [Read more >>]

Scarecrow Oreo Pops


Fall is, by far, my favorite season. There’s nothing like cuddling up at night and watching a movie by the fire; drinking piping hot, fresh-pressed apple cider; going pumpkin or apple-picking; the homey scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, apple, and clove; the baking that comes along with those same scents; scarves; boots; chunky-knit sweaters… the list is [Read more >>]

Frankenstein Twinkie Pops {And Monster Twinkie Pops!}


So I apologize to anyone in advance, but when it comes to Halloween, I get way too excited and immediately lose all semblance of willpower around bright bags of chocolate candy, pumpkin everything, spooky decor, and Halloween treats. It’s like the second stores break out the pumpkin goodies and plastic bat decorations, my mind kind [Read more >>]

Caramel Apple Oreo Pops


Have you guys seen the new Caramel Apple Oreos yet? They. Are. Life-Changing. For a caramel-apple lover like myself, I could not stop eating these bad boys! They taste exactly like caramel apples in cookie form… a dangerously delicious invention, if you ask me. Besides pumpkin, nothing says ‘fall’ to me more than caramel apples! Every [Read more >>]

Take 5 Bites


Is it just me, or is miniature food so much cuter and tastier than its larger counterparts? Think about it: petit fours are insanely more adorable than a larger cake.  Brownie bites are petite and sweet compared to a regular hunk of brownie.  And mini cupcakes?  Almost too cute to eat and definitely impossible to [Read more >>]

Vanilla Dipped Blueberries

Vanilla Dipped Blueberries - the perfect light snack!

This summer has been c-r-a-z-y. A good type of crazy though – besides the fact that it’s slipping by all too fast! Isn’t that always the case? Things I’ve accomplished this summer: road trip to Colorado with the pups, horseback riding, restaurant hopping, volunteering, traveling for work… Things that I haven’t been so good at [Read more >>]

8+ Ways to SPEED UP Cake Pops!

8 Ways to SPEED UP the cake pop process!

Let’s face it – cake pops can be kinda sorta , umm, how do I want to say this – time consuming! However, I’ve learned a few ways to cut the corners yet still have perfect cake pops or balls. Because you never know when you’re going to need to make some late minute cake pops (or you [Read more >>]

Orange Creamsicle Puppy Chow


As I’m writing this post, I’m seriously wishing I still had a bowl of this puppy chow in my kitchen. But I don’t. Pretty sure I ate the entire batch with the help of a lot of friends (ok, two.) in a matter of minutes. I found myself digging through the bowl looking for the [Read more >>]