Hidden Surprise Chocolate Easter Eggs

Hidden Surprise Chocolate Easter Eggs

 Funny story about how THESE eggs came about. What’s also funny is how your brain thinks as a blogger/recipe developer…

A commercial for Rice Krispies came on for these cute little rice krispy treats with little candies hidden inside.

Right away I thought – chocolate easter eggs! Hollow ones to stuff candy, money, or whatever you want in them.

No wait, money is dirty, that might be a little gross.

Apparently Kristan over at Confessions of a Cookbook Queen and I are on the same wavelength about what to do with our egg molds. Dang, I thought I had somethin’. Who am I kidding, they’ve proably been done a few thousand times.

But they’re cute, so here ya go:

(Don’t forget to visit Kristan! She will have you rolling on the floor laughing and she obviously has great taste in desserts *wink, wink*)

Hidden Surprise Chocolate Easter Eggs

printable directions


  • 1 package (16 oz) Chocolate (or Vanilla) CandiQuik
  • Silicone Egg-Shaped Baking Mold (can be found at your local craft store or online, here)
  • Candy (your choice! I used malted egg chocolates)


  1. Melt CandiQuik according to package directions.
  2. Spoon a small amount of coating into each of the silicone molds; push the coating up the sides of the mold with the back of your spoon. Bring the coating almost to the top of the cup, but not over the edge. Repeat with all remaining mold cavities; let dry (you can place in the refrigerator to speed up the drying process).
  3. Once completely set, carefully peel the silicone baking mold away from the CandiQuik coating and ‘pop’ out the chocolate eggs.
  4. Using the back of your spoon, spread the chocolate around the edges of one egg half, fill with candy and place another egg half on top, gently press down and set aside to dry.
  5. Using a toothpick dipped in CandiQuik, apply coating to the eggs and sprinkle to decorate.

Hidden Surprise Chocolate Easter Eggs

Tell Me Something Sweet

  1. says

    Everyone must have had the same ideas this year…I bought this same pan with the thoughts of chocolate eggs too. I am loving all the “stuffed” chocolate eggs that I have seen around blogland. Yours are way too cute with the added sprinkles!!!


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