In Honor of all our military soldiers…


In Honor of all our military soldiers who have died while in the service and those currently serving our country:

I would like to extend the appreciation to our soldiers not only on May 31 but beyond. Officially marked as Memorial Day, May 31 2010 commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the service. Memorial Day was first enacted to honor Union soldiers in the Civil War – but it was extended after WWI to honor Americans who have died in all wars, which we all know is a very real issue today.

Per SupportOurTroops.Org which decided to honor troops this Memorial Day by sending today’s front-line troops tons of stuff.  And fittingly, this particular shipment is NUTS! (a reply from General Anthony McAuliffe famously to the Nazis’ demand for surrender during the Battle of the Bulge) – almonds, flavored almonds, and more almonds.

$175,000 worth!  Over four tons! They’ll love them and it’ll let them know we’re thinking about them and are grateful for what they have done for us.

To make this gift possible, Scouts went house to house down most every street in America and asked people if they wanted to donate.  And thousands of people did, putting together this remembrance  from all of us for what our military does. An all-American thank-you to the most American Americans we know – those who stand up for us today like many have done before them. Amazing. It is a true testament to how much good American’s honor and appreciate what the military goes through and has gone through for our sakes.

Proof positive gratitude.

“Support Our Troops” Cake pop recipe:

-1 pkg (16 oz) Vanilla CANDIQUIK®

- 1 box cake mix (light colored cake – I used plain yellow cake)

- 1 container of ready to use frosting

- Lollipop sticks

-Blue/red/yellow (or any colors you want!) cake decorating gel

-Red, white, and blue sprinkles

(cake pop recipe at

Tell Me Something Sweet

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