Coconut Almond Crunch Bark

Coconut Almond Crunch Bark - light, crunchy, summery perfection | @candiquik

Is there anything worse than having to call customer service multiple times in one day!? Resulting in nothing but hours wasted on getting stuff back to normal, back to how it was intended to function/perform…Ugh. #firstworldproblems

That’s how last Tuesday went.

I very likely have less patience than a two-year old when it’s comes to calling customer service. I do, however, try to have as much patience as I can – because I realize that the customer service reps are real people (and I used to be that person on the other end, once upon a time). This is how our phone call usually starts out, “If I sound angry, it’s because I am, but also please know that I’m not angry at you , I’m frustrated at _____ service”. I mean let’s face it, sometimes not shouting or speaking with an incredible amount of tone just doesn’t get your point across.

I’d seriously consider hiring someone to call 800 numbers for me.

Anyhow, after spending wayy more time than I ever want to by going through automated recordings, I just felt like I either needed to: A. Hit something or B. Stuff my face with below snack. Naturally, I chose B.

(I’m really not a violent person at all, but please don’t make me ever have to call customer service again. Thank you.)

Okay, I’m done.

Let’s eat dessert, mmmkay?!

Coconut Almond Crunch Bark - light, crunchy, summery perfection | @candiquik

Is there anything that smells better than toasting coconut in your oven!? I’m in heaven.

Coconut Almond Crunch Bark - ingredients - @candiquik

These 4 ingredients make a dang good combination, friends.

The measurements are all to desired taste so feel free to add more or less of anything!

Coconut Almond Crunch Bark
Prep time
Total time
A light and refreshing bark loaded with strawberry-cornflake cereal, sliced almonds and toasted coconut!
Serves: 8-12
  • 1 package (16 oz.) Vanilla CandiQuik
  • 1½ cups Strawberry-cornflake cereal (I used Special K Red Berries)
  • ⅓ cup sliced almonds
  • ⅓ cup toasted coconut
  1. Melt Vanilla Candiquik in tray according to package directions.
  2. Stir 1 cup of cereal and almonds (reserve some almonds to sprinkle on top) into coating.
  3. Spread mixture approximately ¼" thick onto wax paper.
  4. Sprinkle with remaining cereal, almonds and toasted coconut; let set.
  5. Once completely set, break or cut into small pieces.
Special K is a registered trademark of Kellogg’s

Tell Me Something Sweet

  1. says

    One horrible summer I had a temp job making phone calls for a market research company (which is just a smidge about telemarketing) so I try very hard to have patience for those on the other end of 1-800 numbers…but when the company they work for is particularly frustrating, it can be HARD. Good thing you had these treats to keep you calm afterward! Love no-bake goodies like these for the hot summer months!

  2. says

    Oh I hate dealing with 800 #’s!!! I make my husband do all that. I go seriously postal when I have to tell the same story 10,000 times because they keep transferring me to a “Department that will be able to take of that for you!”
    I think this Coconut Almond Crunch Bark would take the sting out of the situation though.


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