Peeping PEEPS

Peeping Peeps

Well hello there!

What better way to eat a Peep than in a chocolate Easter egg?

Two weeks ago I bought about five dozen peeps. Pink ones, purple ones, yellow ones, blue ones, limited edition ones(!)… all in attempt to making something fun and creative for the Peeps Hop Along Party. Something more than just a chocolate dipped peep. I ended up with these guys. Peeping peeps, or they could be hatching, but bunnies hatching out of eggs is just silly. So just roll with me, ok?

You may recognize the chocolate eggs if you frequent this site…

CandiQuik Chocolate Eggs

Only this time I added a base to the egg and stuffed them with Peeps!

Fill your silicon mold with a spoonful or two of CandiQuik, using the back of a spoon to push the coating up the sides. If your sides feel thin, you may want to repeat this process.

CandiQuik Chocoalte Eggs

Using a small knife, I trimmed the top of each egg. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect, this makes it look more natural!

CandiQuik Chocolate Eggs

I also cut the bottom half of each peep off. You can decide what to do with the leftover marshmallow, I’m confident it will go to good use.

Note: I only had to trim the chicks peeps

Peeping Peeps

I used a toothpick to apply CandiQuik along the edge of one egg to act as a glue and hold both halves together.

Peeping Peeps

Then spoon a tiny amount of CandiQuik on wax paper and press your egg on top, hold in place until the egg is able to stand on its own (this should only take a few moments).

Peeping Peeps

Sorta cute, don’t you think!?

Peeping Peeps

Happy Easter, Peeps!

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist)

Peeping Peeps

Thanks to Christi (Love From the Oven) and Michelle (Sugar Swings! Serve Some) for organizing this Spring Hop Along PEEPS Party! Also! There is a PEEPS Giveaway! If you’re interested, enter HERE.

Be sure to hop on over to the following sites, they are all delivering a super cute PEEP idea!

Tell Me Something Sweet

  1. Michelle says

    Oh man I love them peeping peeps! And you used the molds for this (I have a secret obsession with using candy molds for multiple uses!!) thanks for playing today!!!!


  1. […] 12. Peep Filled Chocolate Eggs Using a simple chocolate mold makes these impressive desserts super easy! How cute would this be as a table setting?! My mother-in-law always leaves a dark chocolate bunny in front of everyone’s plate at Easter. When it’s my turn to host Easter brunch I’m going to leave one of these adorable little chocolate surprises on my guests’ plates!  […]

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