I really miss the ability to trick-or-treat.
Now that I’m an adult, it’s not as socially acceptable anymore … which, if you think about it, is kind of bogus.
I mean, I have a job. I pay my bills. I don’t get recess. I want candy, people! I think I’ve earned it, don’t you?! What’s a couple extra Butterfingers thrown into my plastic pumpkin head going to hurt, right?
As a kid, my siblings and I would get home after a long night of trick-or-treating and would instantly dump our loot onto the floor to inspect our treating. We would instantly create piles designated for certain candies. There was the “Mine and Don’t You Dare Touch” pile, the “I’ll Think About Trading” pile, and the “Dad Can Have It” pile, which usually resulted in those rock-hard yellow-wrapper peanut butter candies and unmarked lollipops (sorry, Dad).
In my Trading pile, I would put things like Snickers (never was a huge fan – I know, I know) and other random candy bars that I either had a huge stockpile of in my “Mine” pile, or I just wasn’t interested in. And in my “Mine” pile, I had the best: peanut M&M’s, Almond Joys, Butterfingers, Life-Savers gummies, Kit-Kats… you know, the good stuff!
And we would spend the duration of our evening getting sick off of chocolate and trading prized candy bars for other most-wanted ones. Usually my brother, a coconut hater, always ended up with tons of Almond Joys and used that to his bartering advantage. It’s a rough candy-bartering world out there, people — you gotta be strong.
And the candy leftovers? Eventually we ate those, too — but only after our prized stashes wore thin. Nowadays with so much candy lurking around my house (I am a food blogger!) there’s always a huge, fresh supply and my family is kind of disenchanted with the whole candy business. However, there are times when I need to clear out the pantry and make way for something new, and when those times come (especially after Halloween!!) I always make this bark which I lovingly call Candy Bag Bark. It’s basically the extras of candies you didn’t eat, couldn’t eat, or things you want to spruce up some to use up those leftovers. And it couldn’t be simpler!
So. Have any Almond Joys? I’ll trade ya!
- 1 pkg Chocolate CandiQuik
- Assorted Halloween Candy, roughly chopped (I used white Kit-Kats, Butterfingers, Twix, peanut M&M's, Whoppers, and candy corn)
- Halloween sprinkles, optional
- Line a large rimmed baking sheet with foil; set aside. Meanwhile, melt the CandiQuik according to package directions until smooth.
- Pour the CandiQuik out onto the baking sheet in a thin, even layer. You don't want it super thin, but thin enough that it almost covers the sheet. Immediately top the CandiQuik layer with assorted, chopped Halloween candies and sprinkles. Allow the bark to set, about 15 minutes, before breaking into pieces. You can expedite the setting process by briefly freezing the bark.
- Store leftovers in the freezer or at room temperature, covered airtight. If frozen, allow to come close to room temperature before eating, especially if you use caramel candies.
Want more spooktacular Halloween treats?! Check out these recipes from the archives!
Strawberry Ghosts

Take 5 Bites

Ghost Cookies
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